January 14, 2020

Taiwan Labor Regulation Compliance Services lon2tw-lrs

Although we started as an accounting firm, we have been involved in HR related services since 2002. We currently serve about 500 companies in Taiwan with […]
January 14, 2020

Taiwan Labor Regulation Services lon2tw-LRS

台灣勞動管理諮詢服務 lon2tw.lmc 雖然我們是會計師事務所起家,2002年起就開始踏入人資相關服務。 目前我們在台灣服務約500家公司的薪資扣繳與社會福利法規遵循服務 請參考:台灣-薪資扣繳與社會福利法規遵循服務 lon2tw.prl 台灣勞動法規最近幾年變動大,自然地應客戶需求,我們也提供案勞動管理規劃諮詢服務 我們有5位資深人資專家群為客戶服務 歡迎跟我聯絡: 電子郵件:Headquarter@evershinecpa.com 或聯絡:陳中成 首席合夥人/會計師/專利師 電話: +886-2-27170515 E100 手機: +886-933920199 勞檢員上門時,貴公司經得起考驗嗎? 您知道當勞檢員上門時,檢查重點有哪些? 貴公司能即時提供勞動法令規定應提出的資料嗎? 如果提供不出來,或者資料本身就有問題,會受到主管機關如何裁罰? 萬一被列在違法名單上公布,對貴公司形象及商譽會有多大的傷害? 我們秉持提供專業服務的態度,為您量身訂作、專屬打造企業勞動健康檢查服務,並現場進行勞檢預習。 透過專業人事資深專案服務團隊,親自查訪,為您規劃、設計完整的公司勞動法令遵循制度。 除可協助您和主管機構建立雙向溝通、辦理主管機關法定核備程序外,並能有效建立清楚且完整之管理控制程序、表單,以符相關法令規範,並進一步促進勞資和諧,共創多贏。 我們緊追最新勞動政策及法規,更貼近您產業面上的需求與感受,避免不必要的人資管理風險。 […]
September 22, 2019

May 25, 2019

Xiamen Temporary Employment Outsourcing lon2cn.south

PEO Services means your recruited people are temporarily being recruited by Evershine Shanghai, due to some reasons, your Parent company has not yet set up foreign-owned subsidiary in […]
January 28, 2019

Taiwan Tax Benefit Application on Article 25 of the Income Tax Act lon2tw

For enterprises that received approval for the tax benefit, the withholding tax rate on its income from Taiwan will be significantly reduced from 20% to 3% […]
May 7, 2018

Canada Temporary Employment Outsourcing yvr4ww

Taiwan Temporary Employment Outsourcing lon2tw >> Click here  go to FB Fans Page to get more information E-mail: payroll.taiwan@evershinecpa.com Or Manager Ms. Kerry Chen, USA Graduate School […]
May 7, 2018

Australia Temporary Employment Outsourcing lon2au

PEO Services means your recruited people are temporarily being recruited by Evershine Australia , due to some reasons,  your  Parent company  not  yet set up foreign-owned […]
May 7, 2018

From China: London Setup Accounting Tax Payroll One-stop Services lon4cn

E-mail:  lon4cn@evershinecpa.com Contact us by WeChat or Skype or Whatsapp in the day-work-time of Taiwan (GMT+8) The Engaging Manager from Headquarter Ms. Anny Lin, in both […]
May 7, 2018

UK Company registration Accounting Tax Payroll Services lon4ww

Please send your email to HQ4lon@evershinecpa.com or MManager Bing Weng, UK Graduate School Alumni and a well-English speaker Mobile: +86-180-5008-2372 Tel. No.: +86-592-573-4710 Service items and […]