

英國主要城市公司設立登記,商標登記,進出口證,特許行業申請等。公司設立後雲端系統支援的會計薪資服務。 英國倫敦與臺灣同事攜手協同爲您服務。為地球暖化盡一份心力,減少空中旅行。

Nady Wong, CA in ACCA說中文和英文

聯絡人:林幸穗協理 (Director Anny Lin)
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110 

United Kingdom foreign-owned incorporation Procedures
(digested from World Bank: www.doingbusiness.com 2021/0610)

填寫申請表 IN01 並提交工商局註冊
機構 :工商局
Complete application form IN01 and file for registration with Companies House
Agency: Companies House

可以通過紙本申請或電子申請完成註冊。如果公司選擇自行線上申請註冊,註冊網站 www.gov.uk/register-a-company-online 會自動生成公司章程範本和公司備忘錄。

  • 符合 2006 年公司法所有要求的聲明;
  • 申請表 IN01,其中包括:

o 提議的公司名稱;
o 註冊辦事處所在國家/地區(例如英格蘭和威爾士(或威爾士)、蘇格蘭或北愛爾蘭);
o 是否限制成員的責任,如果限制,是通過股份還是擔保;和;
o 公司是上市公司還是私營公司;

  • 對於擁有股本的公司,申請還必須包括資本和初始股權的聲明,包括認購人的姓名和地址。
  • 擬任高級職員的聲明,即第一任董事和公司秘書(除非是私人公司,公司秘書的任命是可選的);
  • 預期註冊辦公地址的聲明。

提交公司文件的費用如下:網站提交的公司註冊費為 12 英鎊,紙本文件公司的註冊費為 40 英鎊(或同一天的服務費為 100 英鎊)。
通過第三方代理支付的標準數字註冊費為 10 英鎊(或 30 英鎊用於當天服務)。

請注意,如果公司想要修改公司章程範本或公司備忘錄,則不能通過 www.gov.uk/register-a-company-online 線上申請註冊。
從 2016 年 6 月 30 日起,公司註冊過程有一部分是新公司必須向其人員提供重要控制信息。
線上註冊 12 英鎊

Company founders have the option to check for unique company names and file for registration themselves, or to retain incorporation professionals to do so.
The option to complete registration is through the paper application or electronically.

In case the company chooses to file for incorporation itself online, model articles of incorporation and company memorandum are generated automatically by the registration website www.gov.uk/register-a-company-online.
In addition to the above forms, all companies must provide the following information to the relevant Registrar of Companies (i.e., for England and Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland):

  • Statement of compliance with all requirements of the 2006 Companies Act;
  • Application form IN01, which includes:

o proposed company name;
o country of registration office (e.g. England and Wales (or Wales), Scotland or Northern Ireland);
o Whether the liability of the members is to be limited and if so whether by shares or guarantee; and;
o Whether the company is public or private;

  • In the case of a company with a share capital, the application must also include a statement of the capital and initial shareholdings, including the name and address of the subscriber.
  • A statement of the proposed officers, being the first director and company secretary (unless in the case of a private company, where the appointment of a company secretary is optional);
  • A statement of the intended registered office address.

On completing the online form if the company name provided cannot be used the website will alert you to this and you have the option of selecting another name.
Fees for filing incorporation documents are as follows: GBP 12 for a Web filed incorporation and GBP 40 for paper filers (or GBP 100 for a same day service).
The standard digital registration fee through a third-party agent is GBP 10 (or GBP 30 for same-day service).
There is no requirement for a company to use a third-party agent.
Third-party agents may charge additional fees as well as the standard registration fee.
In case the company chooses to retain incorporation agents to file for registration, in addition to the above documents, the application file must include the agents’ names and addresses.

Note that in case the company wants to amend model articles of association or company memorandum it cannot file for registration online via www.gov.uk/register-a-company-online.
Instead, the company must use professionals to compose incorporation documents and submit them via specialized software to Companies House.

From 30 June 2016, new companies have to provide their People with Significant Control information as part of the incorporation process.
The data on beneficial ownership will be accessible and searchable from the database of Companies House.
Less than one day(online procedure)
GBP 12 for online registration

機構 : HMRC國稅局
Register for PAYE
Agency : HMRC

公司將在 5 個工作日內(通常更短)收到一個PIN 碼,並且必須在 28 天內啟用此 PIN 碼(或請求新的 PIN 碼)。
公司將使用 PIN 進行線上註冊和註冊。

自 2013 年 4 月 6 日起,公司必須即時申報其 PAYE。

The company must contact the HMRC to set up a contribution scheme for national insurance and pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) tax, which deducts tax from employee wages or salary.
The company will be issued with an activation PIN within 5 business days – typically less – and will have to activate this PIN within 28 days (or else request a new PIN).
The company will use the PIN to register and enroll online. For security reasons, a check is run on the data provided.
A small percentage of registrations who fail the security check can take longer. Otherwise, activation is instant.
Since 6 April 2013, companies have to report their PAYE in real-time.
This means that companies must either report online or require their accountants to submit reports every time they pay their employees.
3 days

機構 : HMRC國稅局
Register for VAT
Agency : HMRC

如果企業過去 12 個月,在英國境內提供的應稅商品和服務超過85,000 英鎊當前的註冊門檻,企業需要註冊增值稅,或預計在未來 30 天內會超過該數字,則必須註冊增值稅。
但是,如果其增值稅應稅商品低於 85,000 英鎊的門檻,企業也可以選擇自願註冊增值稅。
大多數企業,包括有限公司,可以通過以下網址在線註冊增值稅帳戶:https://online.hmrc.gov.uk/registration 或通過郵寄方式發送紙本表格。
要在線上註冊增值稅或使用其他線上增值稅服務,企業首先需要在HMRC 線上服務或政府入口網站註冊。

A business will need to register for VAT if its taxable goods and services supplied within the UK for the previous 12 months is more than the current registration threshold of GBP 85,000 or the business expects it to go over that figure in the next 30 days alone, it must register for VAT.
However, the business may also voluntarily choose to register for VAT if its VAT taxable goods fall under the GBP 85,000 threshold.
Most businesses, including Limited Companies, can register for VAT account online at: https://online.hmrc.gov.uk/registration or send paper forms through the post.
Most applications for VAT registration can be completed online but there are some circumstances where a business has to apply by post.
To register online for VAT or use other VAT online services, a business will first need to sign up for HMRC Online Services or the Government Gateway.
2 days

機構 : 保險公司
Sign up for employer’s liability insurance 
Agency : Insurance company

1969 年的《雇主責任(強制保險)法》,要求所有英國的雇主購買經核准的保險公司的雇主責任保險。
雇主責任保險的最低法律要求賠償限額為 5,000,000 英鎊。
此外,如果不投保雇主責任保險,將處以每天 2,500 英鎊的罰款。
1969 年的雇主責任(強制保險)法案要求在工作場所張貼保險證明。
自 2008 年 10 月 1 日起,可以以電子方式顯示此信息,但需要確保員工知道如何以及在何處找到證明,並可以合理查詢到。

The Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act of 1969 requires all employers in the United Kingdom to maintain employers’ liability insurance from an approved insurance company.
The minimum legal requirement for employers’ liability insurance is a limit of indemnity of GBP 5,000,000. In addition, a fine of GBP 2,500 per day can be imposed if employer’s liability insurance is not taken out.
The Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act of 1969 requires that proof of insurance be posted at the workplace.
Since October 1, 2008, it is possible to display this information electronically, although a company that wishes to do this will need to ensure that its employees know how and where to find the certificate and have reasonable access to it.
1 day


以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2021年10月摘要。
而且您將在永輝RD 人才庫列名,有機會成為RD兼職及合作夥伴。
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Nady Wong, CA in ACCA說中文和英文

聯絡人:林幸穗協理 (Director Anny Lin)
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110 

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