


Nady Wong, CA in ACCA說中文和英文

聯絡人:林幸穗協理 (Director Anny Lin)
skype: annylin8008
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RD 答:

根據 1996 年就業權利法,SS1, 138。

  •  雇主和僱員的姓名
  •  就業開始日期
  •  員工的職務或工作描述
  •  員工或工人將在哪里工作以及他們是否可能需要搬遷
  •  假期權利
  •  工作預計持續多長時間
  •  通知期
  •  病假和工資資格的詳細信息
  •  其他類型帶薪休假的詳細信息,例如產假和陪產假
  •  任何試用期的期限和條件
  •  員工將獲得多少以及多久獲得一次報酬
  •  正常工作時間,以及這些時間是否可以變動;和
  •  任何強制性培訓

RD 答:

除非有客觀理由證明使用額外的定期合同是合理的,否則連續使用定期合同的時間最長為 4 年。
如果定期合同在 4 年之後續簽,則將其視為無限期合同。


RD 答:

根據 1933 年兒童和青少年法,SS 23, 24。
16 歲以下的兒童不得從事全職工作。
年滿 18 歲或以上的僱員享有與成年人相同的權利。


RD 答:
根據 1996 年庇護和移民法和 2006 年移民、庇護和國籍法,雇主必須確保允許新僱員在英國工作。
如果企業不能出示證據證明他們檢查了員工的工作權利,則每名非法工人可被處以最高 20,000 英鎊的罰款。


RD 答:

根據 2018 年《商業秘密條例》。
英國法院不太可能維持終止後超過 6 個月的限制。


RD 答:

根據 2010 年平等法,SS 4-19。


RD 答:

1998 年的《人權法》為私人僱員提供了挑戰濫用監控做法的法律補救措施,《調查權力條例》將未經授權攔截數據定為刑事犯罪,


RD 答:

根據 1998 年工作時間規定,第 1833 號,SS 4-12。
最長每週工作時間為 17 週內平均 48 小時。


RD 答:



RD 答:



RD 答:

根據《工作時間條例》,全職員工每年有權享受至少 28 天的帶薪年假。
假期工資通常基於假期前 52 週的平均工資,或者如果工人在雇主處工作少於 52 週,則為工作週數。


RD 答:

英格蘭和威爾士承認 8 個公共假期,也稱為銀行假期,而蘇格蘭承認 9 個,北愛爾蘭承認 10 個。

  •  元旦
  • 耶穌受難日
  •  五月初銀行假日(五月初,具體日期每年不同)
  •  春季銀行假期(5月下旬,具體日期每年不同)
  •  夏季銀行假期(8 月下旬,具體日期每年不同)
  • 聖誕節
  • 節禮日


  •  新公曆年的第二天
  •  11 月 30 日:聖安德魯日


  •  3月17日:聖帕特里克節
  •  復活節星期一,復活節之後的星期一
  •   7 月 12 日:博因河戰役(橙子節)



RD 答:

根據 1996 年《就業權利法》,第 2 章。 18 SS 71-75; 2014 年兒童和家庭法,第 7 部分;產假工資。
懷孕的僱員有權享受 52 週的產假。
前 26 周稱為“普通產假”(OML),後 26 周稱為“額外產假”(AML)。
儘管員工不必休完全部 52 週的產假,但他們必須在嬰兒出生後休 2 週的假。
最早可以在預產週前 11 週休假。
懷孕僱員有權獲得最多 39 週的法定產假工資(SMP),前提是他們為雇主工作了至少 26 週,
並且在預產週前的第 15 週內工作,必須提供正確的通知和證明懷孕的。
在前 6 週,法定產假工資為員工平均每週總工資的 90%。
在剩餘的 33 週內,法定產假工資按每週基本金額或員工平均每週總工資的 90% 支付,以較低者為準。
自 2022 年 4 月 3 日起生效,每週基本金額為 156.66 磅。


RD 答:

根據 1996 年《就業權利法》,第 2 章。 18 不銹鋼 80A-80E; 2002 年法定陪產假工資和法定收養工資(每週費率)條例。
符合條件的員工目前可以在孩子出生或收養後的 8 週(56 天)內休 1 週或 2 週的帶薪陪產假。

  •  父親
  •  母親(或收養人)的丈夫或伴侶——這包括同性伴侶
  •  孩子的收養人
  •  如果通過代孕安排生孩子,則為預期父母

法定陪產假工資 (SPP) 應按每週基本金額或員工平均每週總工資的 90% 支付,以較低者為準。
每週的基本量是 156.66 磅。


RD 答:


根據 1992 年社會保障繳款和福利法,S 151。
從 2022 年 4 月 6 日到 2023 年 4 月 5 日,員工通常有權獲得法定病假工資,每整週 7 天 99.35 英鎊,最長 28 週。


根據 2018 年《育兒喪假法》,S 80EA;育兒喪假和薪酬諮詢。
在失去 18 歲以下的孩子或在懷孕 24 週後死產後,員工有資格獲得最多 2 週的休假。
連續工作 26 週的員工有權享受法定帶薪休假,其他員工有權享受無薪休假。
自孩子死亡之日起,最長可休 56 週。


員工還有權獲得合理的休假時間來處理涉及受撫養人的緊急情況,例如依賴員工照顧的配偶、伴侶、孩子、父母或朋友或家人,通常為 1 或 2 天.




RD 答:

雇主可以使用獨立運營的、政府支持的固定繳款計劃、國家就業儲蓄信託 (NEST) 或他們自己的計劃,該計劃可以是固定繳款計劃或固定福利計劃。
雇主主要負責通過 PAYE(按收入付費)系統從工資或工資中扣除國民保險金 (NIC),並將這些款項支付給英國稅務海關總署 (HMRC)。
NIC 幫助資助許多福利和服務,包括國民健康服務、國家提供的養老金、法定休假福利和工人補償。


RD 答:

根據 1969 年雇主責任法;工傷殘疾福利。
該保單必須涵蓋至少 500 萬英鎊的實體。


RD 答:

根據 1950 年 11 月 4 日的《歐洲人權公約》,第 4 條。 11.


RD 答:

根據《工會和勞動關係法》,1992,S 199;紀律和申訴程序實務守則。
英國的諮詢、調解和仲裁服務局 (ACAS) 制定了一項業務守則,為雇主、僱員及其代表處理工作場所的紀律和申訴情況提供基本的實用指導。


RD 答:

根據 1974 年工作健康與安全法,第 37 章,SS 2, 37。


RD 答:

在終止工人的僱傭關係時,我們敦促雇主遵守 ACAS(諮詢、調解和仲裁服務)行為守則。


RD 答:

根據 1996 年《就業權利法》。
完成 1 個月連續服務的員工有權獲得至少 1 週的終止通知。
服務滿 2 年後,僱員有權在服務一年後獲得 1 週的通知。服務滿 12 年後最多提前 12 週通知。
僱傭合同可能包含更慷慨的條款,英國雇主通常同意在僱傭開始後至少提前 1 個月通知員工終止合同,高級員工並在 3 到 6 個月之間通知。

根據 1966 年《就業權利法》,SS 22, 155。
不公平解僱的最高賠償金為 12 個月工資和 93,878 英鎊中的較低者。
用於計算法定裁員金和不公平解僱的基本賠償的一周工資上限為 571 英鎊


RD 答:

當員工離職時,他們的雇主必須向他們提供一份 P45 表的副本,即員工離職的詳細信息。
表格 P45 為受款僱員詳細說明了僱員在簽發表格的納稅年度內就就業收入支付的稅款和稅款類型。
雇主必須向 HMRC 提供表格的第 1 部分;僱員必須向僱員的新雇主提供第 2 部分和第 3 部分,
如果不工作,則必須向 Jobcentre Plus 提供;並且僱員保留第 1A 部分。

連同表格 P45,任何尚未支付給離職員工的剩餘就業收入必須支付給該員工,並在該金額上扣除 PAYE,並在下一次全額付款提交 (FPS) 上報告,並要求將其傳輸至英國稅務海關總署。


RD 答:

根據 1992 年工會和勞資關係(綜合)法案,S 188。
當提議在 90 天內在一個機構裁員 20 名或更多員工時,雇主必須:

  •  諮詢任何公認的工會或其他當選的員工代表
  •  適時開始諮詢——至少在第一次解僱生效前 30 或 45 天,具體取決於提議的裁員人數
  •  就避免解僱、減少冗餘人數和減輕解僱影響的方法進行磋商
  •  以書面形式向適當的代表披露有關擬議解僱的某些信息
  •  在第一次解僱生效前至少提前 30 或 45 天通知商業、創新和技能大臣,具體取決於提議的裁員人數。

RD 答:


LRC – United Kingdom Labor Regulations

What must be included in the contents of a labor contract in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

According to Employment Rights Act 1996, SS1, 138.
Employment contracts do not have to be in writing.
However, employers must provide a written document (known as the ‘principal statement’) to employees who will be working for the employer for more than one month on their first day of work.
The principal statement must include the following information:

  •  names of employer and employee
  •  date when employment began
  •  the employee’s job title or description of work
  •  where an employee or worker will be working and whether they might have to relocate
  •  vacation entitlement
  •  how long a job is expected to last
  •  notice periods
  •  details of eligibility for sick leave and pay
  •  details of other types of paid leave, such as maternity leave and paternity leave
  •  the duration and conditions of any probationary period
  •  how much and how often the employee will get paid
  •  the normal working hours and whether such hours may be variable; and
  •  any obligatory training

Do the United Kingdom arrange labor contract in the fixed term?
What should be the length of the labor contract in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:


The use of successive fixed-term contracts is limited to a total 4 years unless the use of additional fixed-term contracts is justified on objective grounds.
If a fixed-term contract is renewed after the 4-year period, it will be treated as a contract for an indefinite period.

What is the minimum age for hiring new employees in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

According to Children and Young Persons Act 1933, SS 23, 24.
Children under the age of 16 are not allowed to work in a full-time job.
Employees who are aged 18 or above are afforded the same rights as adults.

Is it a requirement for employer in the United Kingdom to conduct a pre-employment background check?

Evershine RD:

Under the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 and the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 employers must ensure that new employees are allowed to work in the U.K.
Businesses can be fined up to 20,000 pounds per illegal worker if they cannot show evidence that they checked an employee’s right to work.

Is the Non-Competition indemnity clause in labor contract in the United Kingdom has legal effect?

Evershine RD:

According to The Trade Secrets Regulations, 2018.
Restrictive covenants are valid only if they protect the employer’s legitimate business interests, such as preventing employees from joining a competitor for a certain period.

If the length and scope of the restrictions are not reasonable, the covenant may be declared unenforceable by a tribunal or court, in which case the employee will be free to accept any offer of employment.
Generally, the more narrowly a restrictive covenant is drafted, the more likely it is to be enforceable.
British courts are unlikely to uphold a restriction of more than 6 months after termination.

What are the regulations on Gender Discrimination in employment specifically for female workers in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

According to Equality Act 2010, SS 4-19.
It is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against employees or applicants for employment based on gender.

Can the employer in the United Kingdom collect, or process data transmitted by employees over the internet?

Evershine RD:

The Human Rights Act of 1998, affords private employees a legal remedy to challenge abusive monitoring practices, and the Regulation of Investigative Powers Act makes it a criminal offense to intercept data without authorization, though employers are permitted to intercept e-mails and to monitor Internet access as long as both the sender and the receiver agree to it.

What are the regulations on working hours in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

According to Working Time Regulations 1998, No. 1833, SS 4-12.
The maximum workweek is 48 hours averaged over a period of 17 weeks.

What are the regulations on overtime hours in the United Kingdom?
What is the overtime premium rate in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

Employees are not required to pay employees a premium for overtime work.
The only requirement is that an employee’s average pay for total hours worked not fall below the national minimum wage.
An employer may give an employee compensatory time off instead of wages for overtime, which is known as “time off in lieu.”

Is it common to pay 13th month’s salary in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

Bonus arrangements typically are agreed in the contract between the employer and the employee.
Bonuses can be entirely discretionary, but employers must be careful not to allocate them in a discriminatory manner.

What are the regulations on general leave policy for employees in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

Under the Working Time Regulations, full-time employees are entitled to a minimum of 28 days of paid annual leave each year.
Unless the employment contract states otherwise, the annual leave entitlement includes bank holidays.
Vacation pay is usually based on the average pay over 52 weeks prior to the vacation, or the number of weeks of employment if the worker has been with the employer for less than 52 weeks.
Employees start to accrue annual leave from the start of their employment. During the first year of employment, annual leave accrues at the rate of one-twelfth of a full year’s entitlement at the beginning of each month.

What are the public holidays in the United Kingdom?
What is the overtime premium rate during public holidays in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

England and Wales recognize 8 public holidays, also known as bank holidays, while Scotland recognizes 9 and Northern Ireland recognizes 10.
The 7 holidays that are collectively recognized by England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are as follows:

  •  New Year’s Day
  •  Good Friday
  •  Early May Bank Holiday (early May, precise date varies year to year)
  •  Spring bank holiday (late May, precise date varies year to year)
  •  Summer bank holiday (late August, precise date varies year to year)
  •  Christmas Day
  •  Boxing Day

The additional public holiday recognized by England and Wales is Easter Monday, the Monday immediately after Easter Sunday.
The additional public holidays recognized by Scotland are:

  •  The second day of the new Gregorian Calendar year
  •  Nov. 30: St. Andrew’s Day

The additional public holidays recognized by Northern Ireland are:

  •  March 17: St. Patrick’s Day
  •  Easter Monday, the Monday immediately after Easter Sunday
  •  July 12: Battle of the Boyne (Orangemen’s Day)

In the U.K., bank holidays do not have to be given as paid leave.
Employers can choose to include bank holidays as part of a worker’s statutory annual leave.
When employees work on a national holiday, they have no statutory right to extra pay.

What is the maternity leave policy for female employees in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

According to Employment Rights Act 1996, ch. 18 SS 71-75; Children and Families Act 2014, Part 7; Maternity Pay and Leave.
Pregnant employees are entitled to 52 weeks’ maternity leave.
The first 26 weeks is known as ‘Ordinary Maternity Leave’ (OML), the last 26 weeks as ‘Additional Maternity Leave’ (AML).
Although employees do not have to take all 52 weeks of their maternity entitlement, they must take 2 weeks’ leave once the baby is born.

The earliest that leave can be taken is 11 weeks before the expected week of childbirth.
Pregnant employees are entitled to receive up to 39 weeks of statutory maternity pay (SMP) if they have worked for the employer for at least 26 weeks and up to the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth and must have given the correct notice and proof of pregnancy.

For the first 6 weeks, statutory maternity pay is payable at 90% of the employee’s average weekly gross pay.
For the remaining 33 weeks, statutory maternity pay is payable at a basic weekly amount or 90% of the employee’s average weekly gross pay, whichever is lower.
Effective starting April 3, 2022, the basic weekly amount is 156.66 pounds.

What is the paternity leave policy for male employees in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

According to Employment Rights Act 1996, ch. 18 SS 80A-80E; Statutory Paternity Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay (Weekly Rates) Regulations 2002.
Eligible employees can currently take 1- or 2-weeks’ paid paternity leave within 8 weeks (56 days) of a child’s birth or adoption.
The leave must be taken consecutively and cannot start before the birth.
To be eligible for paternity leave, an employee must be one of the following:

  •  the father
  •  the husband or partner of the mother (or adopter) – this includes same-sex partners
  •  the child’s adopter
  •  the intended parent if having a child through a surrogacy arrangement

Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) is payable at a basic weekly amount or 90% of the employee’s average weekly gross pay, whichever is lower.
The basic weekly amount is 156.66 pounds.

What are the provisions on sick leave, bereavement leave and personal leave for employees in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

Sick Leave

According to Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992, S 151.
Effective from April 6, 2022, to April 5, 2023, employees generally are entitled to statutory sick pay of 99.35 pounds per full week of 7 days, for up to 28 weeks.

Parental Bereavement Leave

According to Parental Bereavement Leave Act, 2018, S 80EA; Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay Consultation.
Employees are eligible for up to 2 weeks of leave following the loss of a child under the age of 18 or a stillbirth after 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Employees with 26 weeks’ continuous service are entitled to paid leave at the statutory rate and other employees are entitled to unpaid leave.
The leave can be taken up to 56 weeks from the date of the death of the child.

Compassionate Leave

There is no entitlement to compassionate leave, although it may be provided by an employment contract.
An employee is also entitled to a reasonable time off to deal with an emergency involving a dependant, such as a spouse, partner, child, parent, or friend or family member who relies on the employee for care, which is usually 1 or 2 days.
This leave may be paid or unpaid, depending on the employment contract.

Other leave

An employee is allowed to take leave for public duties such as jury duty. There is no entitlement to paid leave, although it may be provided by an employment contract.

What are the regulations on pension benefits and social security insurance benefits for employees in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

According to National Employment Savings trust; National Insurance.
All employers are required to automatically enroll their employees into a pension plan.
Employers can use the independently run, government-backed defined contribution plan, National Employment Savings Trust (NEST), or their own plan, which could be either a defined contribution plan or a defined benefit plan.
The employer is primarily responsible for the deduction of National Insurance contributions (NICs) from salary or wages through the PAYE (Pay As You Earn) system and for the payment of these sums to Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
NICs help to fund many benefits and services including the National Health Service, state-provided pensions, statutory leave benefits and workers’ compensation.

What are the regulations on Workers’ Compensation for employees in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

According to Employers’ Liability Act 1969; Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit.
Employers must maintain insurance against liability for bodily injury or disease sustained by employees in the course of their employment.
The policy must cover the entity for at least 5 million pounds.

Can the employee in United Kingdom join a labor union?

Evershine RD:

According to European Convention on Human Rights, Nov. 4, 1950, art. 11.
Employees have the right to join or not join a trade union, decide to leave, or remain a member of a trade union and belong to more than one trade union.

How to handle labor disputes in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

According to Trade Union and Labour Relations Act, 1992, S 199; Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures.
The U.K.’s Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) has developed a Code of Practice that provides basic practical guidance to employers, employees, and their representatives for handling disciplinary and grievance situations in the workplace.
Collective agreements tend to contain lengthy grievance procedures, which can include consultation and/or arbitration, that must be exhausted before matters can be taken further.

What are the regulations on workplace safety and health for employees in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, ch.37, SS 2, 37.
An employer is under a general duty to guarantee the safety of all employees and can be held liable for accidents caused by employees acting in the course of their employment.
Employers must maintain insurance against liability for bodily injury or disease sustained by employees in the course of their employment and are required to assess risks to the health and safety of workers and to keep a record of these assessments.

What are the circumstances that an employer can terminate an employee in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

When terminating a worker’s employment, employers are urged to follow the ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) Code of Practice.
Failure to follow the code does not automatically result in unfair dismissal, but noncompliance can be considered by an employment tribunal in determining whether a dismissal is fair.

An employee who has been unfairly dismissed has the right to request reinstatement, although in practice this form of redress is rarely granted by employment tribunals.

What is the notification period for terminating an employee in the United Kingdom?
How much is the severance pay?

Evershine RD:

Under the Employment Rights Act 1996.
Employees who have completed 1 month’s continuous service are entitled to a minimum 1 weeks’ notice of termination.
After 2 years’ service, employees are entitled to 1 weeks’ notice per year of service up to a maximum 12 weeks’ notice after 12 years of service.

Employment contracts may contain more generous provisions, and U.K. employers often agree to give employees at least 1 months’ notice of termination from the start of employment and senior employees between 3- and 6-months’ notice.
Employees also have a right to compensation if they are dismissed because of redundancy, the amount ranging from half a week’s pay to one and a half weeks’ pay for each year of service.
Under the Employment Rights Act 1966, SS 22, 155.
Compensation may be payable to employees who have more than one year of continuous service at their date of dismissal if they are unfairly dismissed.
If employees are found to have been unfairly dismissed, they may be compensated by a basic award and a compensatory award.
The basic award is calculated on the same basis as a redundancy payment.
The maximum compensatory award for unfair dismissal is the lower of 12 months’ salary and 93,878 pounds.
The limit on a week’s pay for the purposes of calculating statutory redundancy payments and the basic award for unfair dismissal is 571 pounds.

What is the reporting requirement for employer in the United Kingdom to notify the termination of employees to competent authority?

Evershine RD:

When employees separate from employment, their employer must provide them with a copy of Form P45, Details of Employee Leaving Work.
Form P45 details for the recipient employee the amounts and types of tax the employee paid on income from employment during the tax year for which the form was issued.
The employer must provide Part 1 of the form to HMRC; an employee must provide Parts 2 and 3 to the employee’s new employer, or to Jobcentre Plus if not working; and the employee retains Part 1A.

In conjunction with Form P45, any remaining amount of income from employment not already paid to the separated employee must be paid to the employee, with PAYE deductions applied to the amount and reported on the next Full Payment Submission (FPS) required to be transmitted to HMRC.

What are the regulations on mass layoffs in the United Kingdom?

Evershine RD:

According to Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, S 188.
When proposing to make 20 or more employees redundant at one establishment within a period of 90 days, an employer must:

  •  consult with any recognized trade union or other elected employee representatives
  •  start consultation in good time—at least 30 or 45 days before the first dismissal takes effect depending on the number of proposed redundancies
  •  consult on ways of avoiding dismissals, reducing the numbers to be made redundant and mitigating the effect of the dismissals
  •  disclose in writing to the appropriate representative certain information concerning the proposed dismissals
  •  notify the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills at least 30 or 45 days in advance of the first dismissal taking effect, depending on the number of proposed redundancies.
What is the time limit for employer in the United Kingdom to pay employees upon termination?

Evershine RD:

On termination, employees are entitled to all wages due through the last day of work or to payment in lieu of those wages.


以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2021年10月摘要。
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Nady Wong, CA in ACCA說中文和英文

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